University of Bath LogoThe University of Bath received its Royal Charter in 1966 and is now firmly established as a top ten UK university, with a reputation for research and teaching excellence. The University has a vibrant research culture and 15,000 students and an ability to offer placement options across their discipline base, and with leading organisations, which is unique among UK research-intensive universities. We are sector leaders in the commercial exploitation of intellectual property (IP) and the establishment of international links for exploitation of IP. Our mission is to deliver world-class research and teaching, educating our students to become future leaders and innovators, and benefiting the wider population through our research, enterprise and influence.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences is one of the top ten in UK research league tables, with 62 academic staff and more than 1,000 undergraduate students.

University of Bath contributes to WP2 of EUSTACE through the development of new statistical techniques for the analysis of geospatial data, which allowed EUSTACE to deliver globally-complete fields for every day since 1850. The researcher working on this moved during the project to the University of Edinburgh.